Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September Words of Inspiration

"In a flash of insight, I realized that the key I had missed was that my mind was not trained to believe, to think positive, to have faith in either God or myself. To learn to believe is of primary importance.
" This quote has really impacted the way I think of myself. We have been designed to believe things that are presented to us by authority figures, caregivers, role models and information that is presented repeatedly with emotion. Therefore, we have come to believe unwittingly, some things that are untrue. With all the ideas that we receive constantly from our news personalities, friends and other sources, it is often challenging not to oscillate between one idea of truth over another. I would like for you to adopt, for some this will be more difficult than others depending on the way you were nurtured in your earlier years. An idea about you, that will not only benefit you, but also will make your life more and more influential to the world around you. And by all means, speak highly about you, because everyone else will come to believe about you, what you believe about you!

Just my thoughts...


For all my fellas that are fathers. I just wanted to give you something to roll to...Despite how we got here, we are here, no excuses - it's grind time. We have legacies to leave.

Tip #1: Just because money may be a little short at the moment, there is always something you can do with your kid(s). Go to the library, grab a book and read to them or let them read to you. Make it fun, put some enthusiasm in your voices. Ask questions about what they read or heard you read. This does wonders for your children, and your relationship. There are videos you can rent for free and watch together. There are resources on the internet which are free that you can share. Time spent together is growth. You wonder why your kids respect you; listen and love you. Time is also invaluable and can't be paid for or replaced.

Until next time - Mr. Millionaire

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